Just a Pinch of Magic

Just a Pinch of Magic by Alechia Dow


Just a Pinch of Magic is the Middle Grade debut by Alechia Dow. Like all Dow’s books, this one is crammed full of important representation: plus-sized, anxiety-riddled, broken families, abandonment issues, and LGBTQ+ romance, just to name a few. With two relatable main characters, mystery, and mayhem, it’s an engaging story of friendship and family. It’s also the first book of Dow’s that shows the author’s love of baking.

Anyone who follows Dow knows she bakes delicious treats. Sprinkled amid Just a Pinch of Magic are five recipes that are highlighted in the book. So when the delicious descriptions make readers hungry, they can bake themselves a treat!

Winifred Mosley and Calliope Clark are both young enchanters living in the magical town of Honeycrisp Hill. One is the daughter of one of the wickedest witches in history and one is the granddaughter of one of the best witch hunters there ever was. They both could use a friend.

Esmerelda Diaz, head witch hunter of the Enchantment Agency, has come hunting because someone has summoned wickedness to the town and the whole town could be destroyed. Both Wini and Kal are afraid they’re the ones in trouble. 

Both Wini and Kal are pushing magical boundaries; both girls are courting disaster. Together, they plot to fix everything before Halloween, without being caught by Esmerelda Diaz.

Just a Pinch of Magic is filled with lovely descriptions like, “streams out like chocolate from a molten lava cake.” It also supports mental health by showing a main character who is in therapy, with positive thoughts on anxiety and a lack of self-confidence. It’s a book any young reader can learn from while enjoying a skillfully crafted story.

I look forward to more of Dow’s tasty novels in the future, regardless of the audience or genre. 


Visit the author’s website and follow her on Instagram.

Just a Pinch of Magic book design credit: Meg Sayre.

Just a Pinch of Magic cover art credit: Lissy Marlin.

Advance Reading Copy provided by Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group via NetGalley at my request.


Check out my feature of The Sound of Stars, her debut novel.

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