Ocean’s Godori

Ocean’s Godori: A Novel by Elaine U. Cho


Ocean’s Godori is the debut adult science fiction novel by Elaine U. Cho. It’s a Korean space opera with rich cultural threads throughout a story of familial obligations, self-reflection, and a misfit crew who are pulled into a far-reaching conspiracy.

Ocean Yoon is the perfect disgraced character, with brilliant skills but a terrible attitude. She serves as the XO and pilot on an Alliance Class 4 Transporter, the Ohneul. Her character arc is somewhat stereotypical, but her observations are poignant, and her friendship with similarly disgraced Teophilus Anand is enchanting. When they’re together, the book is delightful. The two only truly come alive and show their true selves when alone with each other.

“Back when they first met, he nicknamed Ocean ‘Finesure’ since that was how she answered every question.” Teo thinks handling Ocean is like “trying to pet a cat. You have to feign complete disinterest and leave the door ajar for her to nudge open on her own.”

The second son of the Anand Tech empire, Teo describes himself as the “solar’s favorite ne’er-do-well son.” He “wonders how long Ocean is for the Alliance. How long she’ll stay in the limbo of her fallen state.” With her skills, she “could easily get a job with some other spaceflight program, even with her record.” That record is one of the many pulls that keep readers engaged, seeking answers.

The third major character is Haven Sasani, who is captivated by the story of Ocean and her fall from grace. Her position as a respected pilot in the Alliance was cut short by an incident that’s been redacted and covered up. This mystery is what drives Haven to join the crew of the Ohneul when his father insists he leave home and join the Alliance for some much-needed life experience.

Haven is a member of “the close-knit community of Mortemians” whose “sacred ceremony in learning the death arts” sets him apart from the rest of the solar. His people were ostracised to the point that they no longer physically touch anyone outside their community. While most people who learn about Haven are disgusted, the crew of the Ohneul is mostly curious, and respectful of his avoidance of physical contact. The Ohneul’s captain appreciates the bonus she received for having a Mortemian on board; Ocean is distant and watchful, and there’s a delicious tension whenever she and Haven interact.

Together, they become entangled in a plot of sabotage, where Teo is framed not only for the destruction of the Senobi Embassy to Mars – a brutal attack that almost killed him, as well – but also for the murder of his own parents. Ocean is determined to prove her friend’s innocence; Haven and the rest of the crew of the Ohneul are along for the ride.

Sprinkled with vivid characters and subtle glimpses of future technologies, and seeped in Korean culture, Ocean’s Godori has a setting that is rich, deep, and integrated into every scene. The reader is firmly transported to a place and time that feels real.

Ocean’s Godori is beautifully written, too, with descriptions that catch the eye without taking the reader out of the story. There are dozens of quotes I could share, but I’d prefer to let you discover the magic on your own. With excellent writing and captivating characters, there’s lots to love.

I look forward to more books in this universe, and hope to see Ocean, Teo, and Haven again soon. The ending was a cliffhanger and I want to know what happens next.

In addition to reading the ARC, I listened to the audiobook version. It is narrated by the talented Judy Alice Lee, whose smooth voice and lovely cadence bring the story to life. I highly recommend both versions. 


Visit the author’s website and follow her on Instagram.

Ocean’s Godori: A Novel cover design credit: Evan Gaffney.

Ocean’s Godori: A Novel cover illustrations credit: Jee-ook Choi.

Ocean’s Godori: A Novel text design credit: Aubrey Khan, Neuwirth & Associates, Inc.

Translation of verses from the traditional Korean folk song Ieodo Sana by Chong Hee Woo 2024.

Advance Reading Copy provided by Hillman Grad Books, a Zando Imprint via NetGalley at my request.

I also purchased the audiobook version for my collection via Audible.


Audiobook narrated by Judy Alice Lee.

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